The Cigalah Groups diversification over the past three decades in the varying business sectors in particular the FMCG area of activities has in effect meant there are completely differing marketing portfolios to cater for each sector, with FMCG being a prime example with the Food and Non-Food product ranges.
With the Food and Non-Food marketing and sales programs and systems requiring completely different management approaches, Cigalah created a completely separate operational sector for Non-Food, this being the SAF Sector.
The SAF Sector although still defined generally as FMCG, operates autonomously away from the Consumer Products Sector (Food Products), with its own management, marketing systems, warehousing and sales including a spinoff of limited retail outlets.
SAF handles several major well-Known international brands and has an effective sales and marketing system throughout Saudi Arabia for these brands.
Although relatively young as an individual sector SAF has the advantage of having grown out of the initial overall Cigalah FMCG operation therefore holds all the attributes of management, marketing and sales gained over numerous years of the Group’s development.