
The LG Division delivers consumer electronics, kingdom wide that has a reputation for innovation and quality. These are in the Home entertainment sector with award winning televisions, audio and video equipment, all with a host of features, and in a range of sizes to most living spaces and viewing needs.

Also in the White Goods / Domestic Appliances sector, with a comprehensive range of refrigerators, washing machines. Microwave Cookers, Vacuum Cleaners etc. that are innovative, boasting a host of state-of-the-art features and designs.

The company and brand success in the market was clearly demonstrated by independent statistics (the GFK/MEMRB report) identifying the LG brand as number one, market share wise in the kingdom for washing machine sales. Subsequently the company/LG brand sustained the number one position in the country for sales of Refrigerators and Microwave Ovens.

United Yousef M.Naghi Co. has over 400 LG Dealers kingdom wide, a full complement of dedicated United Naghi exclusive showrooms and Service Centres, supporting the global brand ideology of LG.